God Spread the Earth [Flat] as a Carpet, Began the Creation of Man from Clay, and Created the Heavens and the Earth in Six Days

But the world says, "Mother Nature formed the earth into a ball, evolved man from apes through random mutation, and created the universe in billions of years."

So do Not be Deceived by the Worldly Life, and do Not be Deceived by the Deceiver, for Satan Said, "I will Mislead them All, and I will Command them so that they will Change the Creation of God"

And so Christians say instead, "The Bible's text does not require us to believe that creation was completed in six days. In fact, the words used in Genesis give room for God taking billions of years to create our universe."

But There Should be No Change in the Creation of God, that is the Correct Religion, but Most of the People do Not Know

And so even Muslims say, "There is no contradiction between saying that [the earth] is round and saying that [the earth] was spread out [flat], because in fact in its totality [the earth] is round, but to the one who stands on it and looks at it, [the earth] appears flat, as it appears to everyone."

7:51, Qur'an
[So leave those] who took their religion as distraction and amusement and whom the worldly life deluded.  [On the Day of Judgement] We will forget them just as they forgot the meeting of this Day of theirs and for having rejected Our verses -

50:38, Qur'an
[For] We certainly created the heavens and earth and what is between them in six days, and no weariness touched Us.

15:26, Qur'an
And We certainly created man out of clay from an altered black mud.

51:48, Qur'an
And We have spread the earth out [as a carpet], and the Spreader is excellent.

31:21, Qur'an
[But] when it is said to them, "Follow what God has revealed," they say, "Rather, we will follow that which we found our fathers upon." Even if Satan was inviting them to the punishment of the Blaze?

4:119 - 121, Qur'an
[For Satan said,] "I will mislead them, and I will arouse desires in them, and I will command them so that they will slit the ears of cattle, and I will command them so that they will change the creation of God."  And whoever takes Satan as an ally instead of God has certainly sustained a clear loss.
  Satan promises them and arouses desire in them.  But Satan does not promise them [anything] except delusion. The refuge of those will be Hell, and they will not find an escape from it.

31:8- 11, Qur'an
[But] indeed, those who believe and do righteous deeds - there are the Gardens of Pleasure for them,
wherein they abide eternally; [it is] the promise of God [which is] truth. And He is the Almighty, the Wise. He created the heavens without pillars that you [can] see and has cast firmly set [pillars] into the earth, unless [the earth] should shift with you, and has dispersed from every creature therein.  And We sent down water from the heaven and made [plants] of every noble pair grow therein.  This is the creation of God.  So show Me what those other than Him have created.  Rather, the wrongdoers are in clear error -

30:29 - 30, Qur'an
[For] those who wrong follow their [own] desires without knowledge.  Then who can guide one whom God has sent astray?  And there are no helpers for them.
So direct your face toward the religion, inclining to truth.  [Adhere to] the nature of God which He has created [all] people on.  There should be no change in the creation of God.  That is the correct religion, but most of the people do not know.

88:17 - 21 and [88:13 - 16], Qur'an
Then do they not look at the camels - how they are created
[as couches raised high]? And at the heaven - how it is raised [as a cup put in place]? And at the mountains - how they are fixed [as cushions lined up]?  And at the earth - how it is spread out [flat as a carpet spread around]? So remind, you are only a reminder -

35:4 - 5, Qur'an
[For] if they deny you - messengers were already denied before you. And [all] matters are returned to God.
[So] O mankind, indeed the promise of God is truth, so do not let the worldly life delude you and do not be deceived by the Deceiver about God.

Sections of Creation

Satan Said, "I will Mislead them All," and so if you Obey Most of those on the Earth, they will Mislead you from the Way of God

For the Leaders Cause them to Err, and so the Oppressed will Say, "It was your Conspiracy of Night and Day when you were Ordering us to Disbelieve in God"

43:62, Qur'an
[So] never let Satan avert you.  Indeed, he is a clear enemy to you -

36:62, Qur'an
[For] he had already led astray much of creation from among you, so did you not use reason?

15:39, Qur'an
[For Satan] said, "My Lord, because You have made me err, I will surely make [falsehood] attractive to them on the earth, and I will mislead them all,"

6:116, Qur'an
[And thus,] if you obey most of those upon the earth, they will mislead you from the way of God.  They do not follow [anything] except assumption, and they do nothing except falsify -

6:123, Qur'an
[For] We have placed the greatest of criminals within every city to conspire therein. But they do not conspire against [anyone] except themselves, and they do not perceive -

[Book of Enoch 69:28], Torah
[For] those who led the world astray will be bound in chains and will be shut up in the assembly place of their destruction, and all their works will pass away from the face of the earth.

37:27 - 28, Qur'an
[And on the Day of Judgement,] they will approach one another blaming each other.
[The followers] will say, "Indeed, you [leaders] used to come at us from the right."

37:29 - 32, Qur'an
[But] the oppressors will say, "Rather, you [yourselves] were not believers,
and we had no authority over you, but you were a transgressing people. So the word of our Lord has come true upon us; indeed, we will taste [punishment]. And we led you to deviation; indeed, we were deviators."

Isaiah 9:16, Torah
[And thus] the leaders of this people cause [them] to err; and [those who are] led by them [are] destroyed.

33:67 - 68, Qur'an
And [so] they will say, "Our Lord, indeed we obeyed our masters and our dignitaries, and they led us astray from the [right] way.
  Our Lord, give them double the punishment and curse them with a great curse."

37:33, Qur'an
[But] indeed they will [all] be sharing in the punishment that Day.

Isaiah 9:17, Torah
Therefore the Lord will have no joy in their young men, neither will He have mercy on their fatherless and widows, for everyone [is] a hypocrite and an evildoer, and every mouth speaks folly.  For all this, His anger is not turned away, but His hand [is] stretched out still.

34:31, Qur'an
[But] those who disbelieve say, "We will never believe in this Qur'an nor in [the Scripture] before it." But if you could see when the wrongdoers are made to stand before their Lord [on the Day of Judgement], refuting each other's words... Those who were oppressed will say to those who were arrogant, "If not for you, we would have been believers."

34:32, Qur'an
[But] those who were arrogant will say to those who were oppressed, "Did we avert you from guidance after it had come to you?  Rather, you were criminals."

34:33, Qur'an
[Then] those who were oppressed will say to those who were arrogant, "Rather, [it was your] conspiracy of night and day when you were ordering us to disbelieve in God and attribute equals to Him."  But they will [all] confide regret when they see the punishment; and We will put shackles on the necks of those who disbelieved. Will they be recompensed [for anything] except for what they used to do?

They Formed a Wicked and Secret Society as those of Old, whereby the Devil Hands Down their Plots to Gain Power and Lie

And so, When you will See this Secret Society Among you, Awake to a Sense of your Awful Situation, for they Reject the Words of the Prophets Because of their Secret Society and Wicked Abominations

{Ether 8:18}, Torah
It came to pass that they formed a secret alliance, even as those of old; which alliance is most abominable and wicked above all, in the sight of God -

{Ether 9:6}, Torah
[For] the spreading of this wicked and secret society had been so great that it had corrupted the hearts of all the people;

{2 Nephi 26:22}, Torah
[For] there are secret alliances, even as in times of old, according to the alliances of the devil, for he is the founder of all these things -

{Helaman 6:30}, Torah
[For] it is he who is the author of all sin. And behold, he carries on his works of darkness and secret murder, and hands down their plots, and their oaths, and their covenants, and their plans of awful wickedness, from generation to generation, accordingly as he can get hold upon the hearts of the children of men.

{Ether 8:16}, Torah
And [thus, it is] by the power of the devil to administer these oaths to the people, to keep them in darkness, to help such who sought power to gain power, and to murder, and to plunder, and to lie, and to commit all manner of wickedness and whoredoms -

{Helaman 7:5}, Torah
To condemn the righteous because of their righteousness; to let the guilty and the wicked go unpunished because of their money; and moreover to be held in office at the head of government, to rule and do according to their wills, so that they might get gain and glory of the world, and moreover, so that they might more easily commit adultery, and steal, and kill, and do according to their own wills.

{Helaman 6:22}, Torah
And it came to pass that they had their signs, indeed, their secret signs, and their secret words; and this [was so] that they might distinguish a brother who had entered into the covenant, that whatsoever wickedness his brother should do, he should not be injured by his brother, nor by those who belonged to his band, who had taken this covenant.

{Helaman 6:24}, Torah
[But] whosoever of those who belonged to their band should reveal their wickedness and their abominations to the world, should be tried, not according to the laws of their country, but according to the laws of their wickedness,

{Ether 8:22}, Torah
[But] whatsoever nation will uphold such secret alliances, to get power and gain, until they will spread over the nation, behold, they will be destroyed;

{Ether 8:25}, Torah
For it comes to pass that whoever builds [the secret society] up, seeks to overthrow the freedom of all lands, nations, and countries; and it brings to pass the destruction of all people, for it is built up by the devil, who is the father of all lies; even that same liar who beguiled our first parents, indeed, even that same liar who has caused man to commit murder from the beginning; who has hardened the hearts of men so that they have murdered the prophets, and stoned them, and cast them out from the beginning.

{Ether 11:22}, Torah
And [thus,] they rejected all the words of the prophets because of their secret society and wicked abominations.

{Ether 8:24}, Torah
Therefore, the Lord commands you, when you will see these things come among you, that you will awake to a sense of your awful situation, because of this secret alliance which will be among you;

It is Better to Trust in the Lord than to Put Confidence in Man, for the Wisdom of this World is Foolishness with God

And so, Only those who Put their Trust in God will Understand the Truth, that is Because God does Not Guide those who do Not Believe in the Verses of God

[Wisdom of Solomon 3:9], Torah
[Only] those who put their trust in Him will understand the truth,

Psalms 40:4, Torah
[And thus] blessed [is] that man who makes the Lord his trust, and does not respect the proud, nor such who turn aside to lies -

16:105, Qur'an
[For] those who do not believe in the verses of God only invent falsehood, and it is those who are the liars.

Psalms 118:8, Torah
[And thus is] better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man -

2 Timothy 3:7, Gospel
[For they are] ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

10:36, Qur'an
[For] most of them do not follow [anything] except assumption.  Indeed, assumption does not avail against the truth at all.  Indeed, God is Knowing of what they do -

37:69 - 70, Qur'an
Indeed they found their fathers astray.
 So they hastened [to follow] in their footsteps -

John 12:43, Gospel
For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.

2:170, Qur'an
And [so] when it is said to them, "Follow what God has sent down," they say, "Rather, we will follow that which we found our fathers doing."  Even though their fathers understood nothing, nor were they guided?

Jeremiah 17:5, Torah
Thus the Lord says, "Cursed is the man who trusts in man, and makes flesh his arm, and whose heart departs from the Lord" -

47:3, Qur'an
That is because those who disbelieve follow falsehood, and those who believe follow the truth from their Lord.  Thus, God sets forth their comparisons to the people.

1 Corinthians 2:5 - 6, Gospel
[And thus] your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.
  Howbeit, we speak wisdom among those who are perfect, yet not the wisdom of this world, nor of the princes of this world - that comes to nothing.

1 Corinthians 3:18 - 19, Gospel
[And so] let no man deceive himself.  If any man among you seems to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, so that he may be wise.
  For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God.  For it is written, "He takes the wise in their own craftiness."

Isaiah 44:24 - 25, Torah
Thus the Lord says, your Redeemer, and He who formed you from the womb, "I [am] the Lord who makes all [things]; who stretches forth the heavens alone; who spreads the earth abroad by Myself;
who frustrates the tokens of the liars, and makes diviners mad; who turns wise [men] backward, and makes their knowledge foolish."

{2 Nephi 9:28}, Torah
[For] when they are learned, they think they are wise, and they do not listen to the counsel of God, for they set it aside, supposing they know of themselves, therefore, their wisdom is foolishness, and it does not profit them. And they will perish.

27:79, Qur'an
So trust in God; indeed, you are upon the clear truth.

67:29, Qur'an
[So] say, "He is the Most Gracious; we have believed in Him, and we trust in Him. And you will [come to] know who it is that is in clear error."

They Say, "There is Nothing Except our Worldly Life," but God did Not Create the Heaven and the Earth Aimlessly - that is the Assumption of those who Disbelieve

Rather, God Created the Heavens and the Earth in Truth to Test you as to which of you is Best in Deed, Not as a Pastime for Enjoyment

45:24, Qur'an
They say, "There is nothing except our worldly life; we die and live, and nothing destroys us except time."  And they have no knowledge of that; they are only assuming.

[Book of Enoch 102:6 - 8], Torah
[And] the sinners will say about you when you die, "As we die, the righteous have also died, and of what use were their deeds to them?
Behold, they have died like us in sadness and in darkness, and what advantage do they have over us? From now on we are equal. And what will they receive and what will they see forever? For behold, they too have died, and from now on they will never again see the light."

[Wisdom of Solomon 2:1 - 2], Torah
[And so] the ungodly, reasoning with themselves, but not aright, said, "Our life is short and tedious, and there is no remedy in the death of a man, neither was there any man known to have returned from the grave.
  For we are born at all adventure, and hereafter, we will be as though we had never been, for the breath in our nostrils is as smoke, and a little spark in the moving of our heart.

[Wisdom of Solomon 2:5 - 9], Torah
[So] our time is a very shadow that passes away; and there is no returning after our end, for it is fast sealed, so that no man comes again.
  Come on therefore, let us enjoy the good things that are present, and let us speedily use the creatures as in youth.  Let us fill ourselves with costly wine and ointments, and let no flower of the spring pass us by.  Let us crown ourselves with rosebuds before they are withered.  Let none of us go without his part of our voluptuousness, let us leave tokens of our joyfulness in every place, for this is our portion, and our lot is this."

[Wisdom of Solomon 15:11 - 12], Torah
[Thus,] he did not know his Maker, and Him who inspired an active soul into him, and breathed in a living spirit -
 but they counted our life [as] a pastime, and our time here [as] a market for gain; for they say, "We must be getting every way," though it is by evil means.

23:54 - 56, Qur'an
So leave them in their confusion for a time.
  Do they think that what We extend to them of wealth and children is [because] We hasten good things for them? Rather, they do not perceive -

2:212, Qur'an
[For] the life of this world is beautified for those who disbelieve, and they ridicule those who believe.  But those who fear God are above them on the Day of Resurrection.  And God gives provision to whomever He wills without account.

28:60, Qur'an
[So] whatever thing you [people] have been given - it is [only for] the enjoyment of worldly life and its adornment.  And what is with God is better and more lasting; so will you not use reason?

29:64, Qur'an
[For] this worldly life is nothing except diversion and amusement.  And indeed, the home of the Hereafter - that is the life, if only they knew.

9:55, Qur'an
So do not let their wealth or their children impress you.  God only intends to punish them through them in worldly life and so that their souls should depart [at death] while they are disbelievers.

46:20, Qur'an
And [so] the Day those who disbelieved are exposed to the Fire [it will be said], "You exhausted your good things during your worldly life and enjoyed them, so this Day you will be awarded the punishment of [extreme] humiliation because you were arrogant upon the earth without truth and because you were defiantly disobedient" -

38:27, Qur'an
[For] We did not create the heaven and the earth and that between them aimlessly.  That is the assumption of those who disbelieve, so woe to those who disbelieve from the Fire.

45:22, Qur'an
[Rather,] God created the heavens and earth in truth and so that every soul may be recompensed for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged.

67:2, Qur'an
[And it is He] who created death and life to test you [as to] which of you is best in deed - and He is the Almighty, the Forgiving.

35:5, Qur'an
[So] O mankind, indeed the promise of God is truth, so do not let the worldly life delude you and do not be deceived by the Deceiver about God.

God Certainly Created the Heavens and the Earth and what is Between them in Six Days

It is He who Created the Earth in Two Days, then He Completed the Heavens within Two Days

32:4, Qur'an
It is God who created the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them in six days; then He established Himself above the Throne. You do not have any protector or any intercessor besides Him; so will you not be reminded?

Genesis 1:1, Torah
[For] in the beginning [it was] God [alone who] created the heavens and the earth.

Genesis 1:3 - 5, Torah
[Whereby] God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.
And God saw the light, that [it was] good, and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light day, and He called the darkness night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

Genesis 1:8, Torah
And the evening and the morning were the second day.

Genesis 1:13, Torah
And the evening and the morning were the third day.

Genesis 1:19, Torah
And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.

Genesis 1:23, Torah
And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.

Genesis 1:31 - 2:1, Torah
And God saw everything that He had made, and behold, [it was] very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.

50:38, Qur'an
And [thus] We certainly created the heavens and earth and what is between them in six days, and no weariness touched Us.

[But they say,] "Our universe could have popped into existence 13.7 billion years ago without any divine help whatsoever, researchers say." - space.com

Job 38:21, Torah
[Then] do you know [this], because you were born then?  Or [because] the number of your days [is] great?

41:9, Qur'an
[Or] do you indeed disbelieve in He who created the earth in two days and attribute equals to Him?  That is the Lord of the worlds.

[But they say,] "By using Devil's Canyon meteorite, scientists have been able to place the age of the Earth at approximately 4.54 billion years.  For comparison, the Milky Way galaxy that contains the solar system is approximately 13.2 billion years old, while the universe itself has been dated to 13.8 billion years." - USGS.gov and space.com

25:59, Qur'an
[But it is] He who created the heavens and the earth and what is between them in six days and then established Himself above the Throne - the Most Gracious, so ask Him [as He is] Aware.

41:12, Qur'an
And He completed [the heaven] as seven heavens within two days and inspired the command in each heaven.  And We adorned the [lowest] heaven of this world with lamps and as protection.  That is the determination of the Almighty, the Knowing.

[But they say] "There are actually two different, independent methods we have to measure [13.8 billion years], and while one is far more accurate to the other, the less precise method involves far fewer assumptions."  - forbes.com

10:36, Qur'an
[Thus] most of them do not follow [anything] except assumption. Indeed, assumption does not avail against the truth at all. Indeed, God is Knowing of what they do.

1 Corinthians 3:20, Gospel
[So] again, 'The Lord knows the thoughts of the wise, that they are vain' -

7:54, Qur'an
[For] indeed, your Lord is God, who created the heavens and earth in six days and then established Himself above the Throne. He covers the night with the day, [another night] chasing it rapidly; and [He created] the sun, the moon, and the stars, subjected by His command. Unquestionably, the creation and the command are His; God is blessed, Lord of the worlds.

God Determined the Earth's Creatures' Sustenance in Four Equal Days, for He Formed the Earth to be Inhabited

Thus, He did Not Create the Heavens and the Earth in Vain, Rather, God Created Each Thing and Determined it with Precise Determination

Isaiah 45:18, Torah
Thus, the Lord who created the heavens says; "God Himself who formed the earth and made it; He has established it, He did not create it in vain, He formed it to be inhabited, I am the Lord; and there are none else."

40:64, Qur'an
[And thus,] it is God who made the earth a firm abode for you and the heaven a ceiling and formed you and perfected your forms and provided you with good things. That is God, your Lord; then God is blessed, Lord of the worlds -

64:3, Qur'an
He created the heavens and earth in truth and formed you and perfected your forms; and the [final] destination is to Him -

25:2, Qur'an
He [to] whom the kingdom of the heavens and the earth [belongs], and who has not taken a son, and who has not had a partner in [His] Kingdom, and has created each thing and determined it with [precise] determination.

[But they say,] "The DNA that makes up our genes, and those of every organism on Earth except some viruses, is subject to random mutation. Every now and then one of those mutations affects an important trait, such as an animal’s coat color or a particular behavior...  Over time, such favorable mutations spread through a population and change how it looks.  Over enough time, the process can even produce new species."  - National Geographic

77:23, Qur'an
[But it is] We [who] determined [it], and [We are] excellent to determine.

15:19, Qur'an
And [so] the earth - We have spread it and cast firmly set [mountains] therein and caused [something] of every well-balanced thing to grow therein.

41:10, Qur'an
[And] He placed firmly set [mountains] on the earth over its surface, and He blessed it and determined its [creatures'] sustenance therein in four equal days  - for [the information] of those who ask.

[But they say,] "The history of life on Earth began about 3.8 billion years ago, initially with single-celled prokaryotic cells, such as bacteria. Multicellular life evolved over a billion years later and it's only in the last 570 million years that the kind of life forms we are familiar with began to evolve, starting with arthropods, followed by fish 530 million years ago (Ma), land plants 475Ma and forests 385Ma. Mammals didn't evolve until 200Ma and our own species, Homo sapiens, only 200,000 years ago.  So humans have been around for a mere 0.004% of the Earth's history." - Science India

32:7, Qur'an
[But it is God who] perfected everything which He created and began the creation of man from clay.

It is He who Created Man [Adam] from Clay, then Suddenly you were Human Beings, for He Only Says to it "Be," and it is

And for those who Transgressed, We Said to them, "Be Despised Apes," and Made them Apes as a Lesson for those who Fear God

6:2, Qur'an
It is He who created you from clay and then decreed a term and a specified time [known] to Him; then you are [still] in dispute.

55:13 - 14, Qur'an
So which of the favors of your Lord would you deny?
He created man from clay like [that of] pottery -

38:71 - 72, Qur'an
[For remember] when your Lord said to the angels, "Indeed, I am going to create a human being from clay.
 So when I have proportioned him and breathed My [Holy] Spirit into him, then fall down to him in prostration."

Genesis 2:7, Torah
And [so] the Lord God formed man [from] the dust of the ground, and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils; and man became a living soul.

[But they say rather, "Humans evolved] from apelike ancestors. Scientific evidence shows that the physical and behavioral traits shared by all people originated from apelike ancestors and evolved over a period of approximately six million years." - Smithsonian

30:20, Qur'an
[But] among His signs is that He created you from dust; then, suddenly you were human beings dispersing [throughout the earth] -

36:82, Qur'an
[For] His command is only when He intends a thing that He says to it, "Be," and it is.

3:59, Qur'an
[And] indeed, the example of Jesus to God is like that of Adam. He created him from dust; then He said to him, "Be," and he was.

2:65, Qur'an
And you had already known about those who transgressed among you concerning the sabbath, and We said to them, "Be despised apes."

16:40, Qur'an
[For] indeed, Our word to a thing when We intend it, is only that We say to it, "Be," and it is.

2:66, Qur'an
And We made it a deterrent punishment for those who were present and those who succeeded [them] and a lesson for those who fear [God] -

7:166, Qur'an
[For] when they were insolent about that which they had been forbidden, We said to them, "Be despised apes."

[Book of Jasher 9:35], Torah
[And the Lord also punished] those [at the Tower of Babel] who said, "We will ascend to heaven and serve our gods," [and they] became apes,

5:60, Qur'an
[And thus,] those [are the ones] whom God has cursed and with whom He became angry and made them apes and pigs, and slaves of false gods.

6:4 - 5, Qur'an
[But] no sign comes to them from the signs of their Lord except that they turn away therefrom.
For they had denied the truth when it came to them, but the news of what they used to ridicule is going to reach them.

Noah Remained Among them for Nine Hundred and Fifty Years, and Abraham Lived a Hundred and Seventy Five Years

But Now the Days of our Years are Seventy Years, for God can Do Away with you and Bring Forth a New Creation

Genesis 5:5, Torah
All the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years, and he died.

Genesis 5:8, Torah
And all the days of Seth were nine hundred and twelve years, and he died.

Genesis 5:11, Torah
And all the days of Enos were nine hundred and five years, and he died.

Genesis 5:14, Torah
And all the days of Cainan were nine hundred and ten years, and he died.

Genesis 5:17, Torah
And all the days of Mahalaleel were eight hundred [and] ninety five years, and he died.

Genesis 5:20, Torah
And all the days of Jared were nine hundred [and] sixty two years, and he died.

Genesis 5:27, Torah
And all the days of Methuselah were nine hundred [and] sixty nine years, and he died.

Genesis 5:31, Torah
And all the days of Lamech were seven hundred [and] seventy seven years, and he died.

*Genesis 9:29, Torah
And all the days of Noah were nine hundred and fifty years, and he died.

[But they say,] "We can expect to live much more than twice as long as our ancestors. Since 1900 the global average life expectancy has more than doubled and is now above 70 years." - ourworldindata.org

*29:14, Qur'an
[But] We certainly sent Noah to his people, and he remained among them for a thousand years minus fifty years, and the flood seized them while they were wrongdoers.

4:133, Qur'an
[And thus,] if He wills, He can do away with you, O people, and bring others [in your place]. And God is Powerful to do that.

Genesis 25:7, Torah
And [so after the flood,] the years of Abraham's life which he lived, [were only] a hundred seventy five years.

Genesis 50:22, Torah
…And Joseph lived a hundred and ten years.

Deuteronomy 34:7, Torah
And Moses [was] a hundred and twenty years old when he died…

Judges 2:8, Torah
And Joshua, the son of Nun, the servant of the Lord, died, [being] a hundred and ten years old.

Genesis 6:3, Torah
[For] the Lord said, "…[Afterward the flood,] his days will be a hundred and twenty years."

Psalms 90:10, Torah
[But now] the days of our years [are only] seventy years; and if by reason of strength [they are] eighty years - their strength [is] labor and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.

2 Samuel 5:4, Torah
[And so David died being seventy years old, for] David [was] thirty years old when he began to reign, [and] he reigned forty years.

God is the Creator of All Things, and they do Not Have Any Partnership with Him Therein

For I am the Lord and There are None Else, who Stretches the Heavens Alone, who Spreads the Earth Abroad by Myself, I the Lord do All These Things

10:34, Qur'an
Say, "Are there any of your 'partners' who begins creation and then repeats it?" Say, "God begins creation and then repeats it, so how are you deluded?"

Genesis 1:1, Torah
[For] in the beginning [it was] God [who] created the heavens and the earth.

Genesis 1:3 - 4, Torah
And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.
And God saw the light, that [it was] good, and God divided the light from the darkness.

6:1, Qur'an
[And thus, all] praise is [due] to God, who created the heavens and the earth and made the darkness and the light. Then those who disbelieve equate [others] with their Lord.

34:22, Qur'an
[So] say, "Invoke those you claim besides God."  They do not possess an atom's weight [of ability] in the heavens or on the earth, and they do not have any partnership [with Him] therein, nor is there any assistant for Him from among them -

Isaiah 45:5 - 8, Torah
[For God said,] "I [am] the Lord, and [there are] none else, [there is] no god beside Me, I girded you, though you have not known Me.
 So that they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that [there are] none beside Me.  I [am] the Lord, and [there are] none else.  I form the light, and create darkness, I make peace, and create evil, I the Lord do all these [things].  Drop down, you heavens, from above, and let the skies pour down righteousness, let the earth open, and let them bring forth salvation, and let righteousness spring up together; I the Lord have created it.

Acts 7:50, Gospel
[And thus,] has My hand not made all these things?

Isaiah 66:2, Torah
[Yes,] My hand has made all those [things], and all those [things] have been," the Lord says.

Isaiah 44:24, Torah
Thus the Lord says, your Redeemer, and He who formed you from the womb, "I [am] the Lord who makes all [things]; who stretches forth the heavens alone; who spreads the earth abroad by Myself."

13:16, Qur'an
[So] say, "Who is Lord of the heavens and earth?"  Say, "God."  Say, "Have you then taken protectors besides Him not possessing any benefit or any harm [even] for themselves?"  Say, "Is the blind equivalent to the seeing?  Or is darkness equivalent to light?  Or have they attributed partners to God who created [something] like His creation so that the creation [of each] seemed similar to them?"  Say, "God is the Creator of all things, and He is the One, the Prevailing."

Acts 17:24 - 25, Gospel
[So I declare Him to you,] God, who made the world and all things therein, seeing that He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands;
 neither is He attended to by men's hands, as though He needed anything, seeing He gives life to all, and breath, and all things.

Psalms 146:6, Torah
[Thus it is the God of Jacob] who made heaven, and earth, the sea, and all that [is] therein, [it is God] who keeps truth forever.

They Call upon Female gods, Such as Mother Earth, for they Desire Falsehood Instead of God

[And so they say,] "We are, truly, the children of Mother Earth." - jpl.nasa.gov

But Satan had Already Led Astray Most Before you, for All the gods of the Nations Before [Like Nature goddesses Gaia, Artemis and Ceres] Create Nothing, and they themselves are Created

37:86, Qur'an
Do you desire falsehood [as] gods other than God?

Psalms 96:5, Torah
For all the gods of the nations [are] idols [like nature goddesses Gaia, Artemis and Ceres], but the Lord made the heavens.

36:46, Qur'an
[But] no verse comes to them from the verses of their Lord except that they are turning away from it -

[For they say,] "NASA Langley's Biomimetics Program is entrenched in the idea that Mother Nature makes the best flyers on the planet." - NASA

16:20, Qur'an
[But] those [nature goddesses] they invoke other than God create nothing, and they [themselves] are created.

35:3, Qur'an
[So] O mankind, remember the favor of God upon you. Is there any creator other than God who provides for you from the heaven and earth? There is no god except Him, so how are you deluded?

[For they say,] "Mother Nature provided the Wallops area with almost 5 inches of rain" - NASA

30:40, Qur'an
[But] God is the One who created you, then provided for you, then He will cause you to die, and then He will give you life. Are there any of your "partners" who does anything of that? He is Exalted and high above what [goddesses] they associate with Him.

6:22, Qur'an
[So warn of] the Day [of Judgement, when] We will gather them all together; then We will say to those who associated others [with God], "Where are your 'partners' [Mother Nature and Mother Earth] that you used to claim [other than God]?"

6:23 - 24, Qur'an
Then there will be no [excuse upon] examination except they will say, "By God, our Lord, we were not among those who associated."
See how they will lie about themselves. And what they used to invent will be lost from them -

[For they say,] "You can't beat Mother Nature when it comes to flight design." - NASA

4:117 - 120, Qur'an
[And thus] they call upon none but female [gods, like Mother Nature, Mother Earth] instead of Him, and they [actually] call upon none but a rebellious Satan,
whom God has cursed.  For he had said, "I will surely take an allocated portion from among Your servants.  And I will mislead them, and I will arouse desires in them, and I will command them so they will slit the ears of cattle, and I will command them so they will change the creation of God."  And whoever takes Satan as an ally instead of God has certainly sustained a clear loss.  Satan promises them and arouses desire in them.  But Satan does not promise them [anything] except delusion -

25:3, Qur'an
[For] they have taken gods besides Him which create nothing, while they are created, and do not possess any harm or benefit for themselves and do not possess [power to cause] death or life or resurrection.

10:106, Qur'an
[So] do not invoke [Mother Nature] besides God which neither benefits you nor harms you, for if you did, then indeed you would be among the wrongdoers.

Do you Call upon Baal and Walk After Other gods of Egypt whom you do Not Know? Show me what they have Created of the Earth

But There is Not the Slightest Shred of Evidence that they are gods, Rather, they have Taken gods Besides God which Create Nothing, for Satan Said, "I will Command them so they will Change the Creation of God"

Ra - the Egyptian sun god
Aker - the Egyptian god of the earth and the horizon
Baal - the Egyptian sky and storm god
Neith - the creator goddess, the mother goddess

46:4, Qur'an
[So] say, "Have you seen that which you invoke besides God? Show me what they have created of the earth; or did they have partnership in [creation of] the heavens? Bring me a scripture [revealed] before this or a [remaining] trace of knowledge, if you should be truthful."

[Baruch 6:68], Torah
[But] there is not the slightest shred of evidence that they are gods; so do not be afraid of them!

25:3, Qur'an
[For] they have taken gods besides Him which create nothing, while they are created, and do not possess any harm or benefit for themselves and do not possess [power to cause] death or life or resurrection.

4:117, Qur'an
[For] they call upon none but female [gods] instead of Him, and they [actually] call upon none but a rebellious Satan -

4:119 - 120, Qur'an
[Who said,] "I will mislead them, and I will arouse desires in them, and I will command them so that they will slit the ears of cattle, and I will command them so that they will change the creation of God."  And whoever takes Satan as an ally instead of God has certainly sustained a clear loss.
  Satan promises them and arouses desire in them.  But Satan does not promise them [anything] except delusion.

16:63, Qur'an
[So] by God, We certainly sent [messengers] to nations before you, but Satan made their deeds attractive to them.  And he is the disbelievers' ally today [as well], and they will have a painful punishment.

37:123 - 126, Qur'an
And indeed, Elijah was from among the messengers,
 when he said to his people, "Will you not fear God?  Do you call upon Baal and leave the best of creators - God, your Lord and the Lord of your first forefathers?"

Jeremiah 7:8 - 9, Torah
[And Jeremiah said to his people,] "Behold, you trust in lying words that cannot profit.
  Will you steal, murder, and commit adultery, and swear falsely, and burn incense to Baal, and walk after other gods whom you do not know?"

Jeremiah 10:11, Torah
Thus you will say to them, "The gods that have not made the heavens and the earth, [even] they will perish from the earth, and from under these heavens."

Joshua 24:14, Torah
Therefore fear the Lord, and serve Him in sincerity and in truth, and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the river, and in Egypt; and serve the Lord.

Paul Saw Athens Wholly Given to Idolatry, for they Call upon Female gods Instead of Him, Saying, "Diana of the Ephesians is Great!"

For Satan Said, "I will Mislead them All," and Thus All Asia and the World Reveres the Great goddess Diana

Diana - the Roman goddess of nature and the moon
Jupiter - the Roman god of the sky
also Venus, Mars, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto, Ceres, Apollo, and Vulcan

43:57 - 58, Qur'an
And when the son of Mary was set forth as an example, immediately your people turned away.
 And they said, "Are our gods better, or is he?"  They did not set forth the comparison except for [mere] argument.  But, [in fact], they are a people prone to dispute.

Acts 17:16, Gospel
[And later,] while Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit was stirred in him, when he saw the city wholly given to idolatry.

Acts 19:24 - 28, Gospel
For a certain [man] named Demetrius, a silversmith, who made silver shrines for Diana, brought no small gain to the craftsmen;
whom he called together with the workmen of like occupation, and said, "Men, you know that we have our wealth by this craft.  Moreover you see and hear, that not alone at Ephesus, but almost throughout all Asia, this Paul has persuaded and turned away many people, saying that they are not gods, which are made with hands.  So that not only is our craft in danger to be set at nothing; but also that the temple of the great goddess Diana should be despised, and her magnificence should be destroyed, whom all Asia and the world reveres."  And when they heard [these sayings], they were full of wrath, and cried out, saying, "Diana of the Ephesians [is] great!"

Acts 19:35, Gospel
And when the town clerk had appeased the people, he said, "Men of Ephesus, what man is there who does not know how the city of the Ephesians is a servant of the great goddess Diana, and of the [image] which fell down from Jupiter?"

Acts 19:34, Gospel
[So] when they knew that he was a Jew, all cried out with one voice about the space of two hours, "Diana of the Ephesians [is] great!"

4:117 - 120, Qur'an
[And thus] they call upon none but female [gods] instead of Him, and they [actually] call upon none but a rebellious Satan,
whom God has cursed.  For he had said, "I will surely take an allocated portion from among Your servants.  And I will mislead them, and I will arouse desires in them, and I will command them so that they will slit the ears of cattle, and I will command them so that they will change the creation of God."  And whoever takes Satan as an ally instead of God has certainly sustained a clear loss.  Satan promises them and arouses desire in them. But Satan does not promise them [anything] except delusion -

Acts 14:11 - 13, Gospel
[For] when the people saw what Paul had done, they lifted up their voices, saying in the speech of Lycaonia, "The gods have come down to us in the likeness of men."
  And they called Barnabas, "Jupiter;" and Paul, "Mercurius," because he was the chief speaker.  Then the priest of Jupiter, who was before their city, brought oxen and garlands to the gates, and would have done sacrifice with the people.

Acts 14:14 - 16, Gospel
[Which] when the apostles, Barnabas and Paul, heard [of], they tore their clothes, and ran in among the people, crying out,
and saying, "Men, why do you do these things?  We are also men of like passions with you, and we preach to you that you should turn from these vanities to the living God, who made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all things that are therein.  Who, in the past times, left all nations to walk in their own ways."

Acts 14:18, Gospel
And saying these, they hardly restrained the people to not sacrifice to them.

40:83, Qur'an
And [thus] when their messengers came to them with clear proofs, they [merely] rejoiced in what they had of knowledge, but they were enveloped by what they used to ridicule.

The World is Established that it Cannot be Moved, for You Laid the Foundation of the Earth in the Beginning

Whereby God Set the World Upon the Pillars of the Earth

Job 38:4 - 6, Torah
Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Declare, if you have understanding.
Who has laid the measures thereof, if you know? Or who has stretched the line upon it? Where are the foundations thereof fastened upon? Or who laid the corner stone thereof?

[And so they declare false understanding, saying,] "Earth spins on an imaginary line called an axis that runs from the North Pole to the South Pole [90° - 23.4° = 66.6° tilt from the horizontal], while also orbiting the sun.  It takes Earth 23.439 hours to complete a rotation on its axis, and roughly 365.26 days to complete an orbit around the sun [at 18.5 miles/sec = 66,600 mph]." - space.com

Psalms 93:1, Torah
[But] the Lord reigns, He is clothed with majesty; the Lord is clothed with strength, [whereby] He has girded himself, the world also is established, that it cannot be moved.

Hebrews 1:10, Gospel
[For] You, Lord, have laid the foundation of the earth in the beginning; and the heavens are the works of Your hands -

31:10, Qur'an
[Whereby] He created the heavens without pillars that you [can] see and has cast firmly set [pillars] into the earth, unless [the earth] should shift with you.

Psalms 104:5, Torah
[And thus, He] laid the foundations of the earth, [so that] it should not be removed forever -

21:31, Qur'an
[For] We placed firmly set [pillars] within the earth, unless [the earth] should shift with them, and We made [mountain] passes [as] roads therein so that they might be guided.

1 Chronicles 16:30, Torah
[So] fear before Him, all the earth, the world also will be established, that it will not be moved -

35:41, Qur'an
[For] indeed, God holds the heavens and the earth, unless they should move.  And if they should move, no one could hold them [in place] after Him.  Indeed, He is Forbearing and Forgiving -

1 Samuel 2:8, Torah
He raises up the poor out of the dust, [and] lifts up the beggar from the dunghill, to set [them] among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory, for the pillars of the earth [are] the Lord's, and He has set the world upon them.

He Created the Night and the Day and the Sun and the Moon and the Stars, All Subjected by His Command

Then Have you Considered if God should Make the Night Continuous, what god Other than God could Bring you Light?

35:13, Qur'an
[God] causes the night to enter the day, and He causes the day to enter the night and has subjected the sun and the moon - each flowing [its course] for a specified term.  That is God, your Lord; the kingdom [belongs] to Him.  And those whom you invoke other than Him, [such as Mother Nature,] do not possess [as much as] the membrane of a date seed.

Isaiah 45:12, Torah
[For] I [alone] have made the earth, and created man upon it, I, [even] My hands, have stretched out the heavens, and I have commanded all their host.

16:12, Qur'an
[And thus it is God who] has subjected the night and day and the sun and moon for you, and the stars are subjected by His command.  Indeed there are signs in that for a people who reason.

28:72, Qur'an
[So] say, "Have you considered if God should make the day continuous for you until the Day of Resurrection, what god other than God could bring you a night in which you may rest? Then will you not see?"

Joshua 10:12, Torah
[For consider when] Joshua spoke to the Lord in the day when the Lord delivered up the Amorites before the Children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, "Sun, stand still upon Gibeon; and moon, in the valley of Ajalon."

[Book of Jasher 88:64], Torah
And the Lord listened to the voice of Joshua, and the sun stood still in the midst of the heavens, and it stood still for thirty-six moments, and the moon also stood still and did not hasten to go down a whole day.

28:71, Qur'an
[And] say, "Have you considered if God should make the night continuous for you until the Day of Resurrection, what god other than God could bring you light?  Then will you not hear?"

Exodus 10:21 - 22, Torah
[So consider when] the Lord said to Moses, "Stretch out your hand toward heaven, so that there may be darkness over the land of Egypt, even darkness [which] may be felt."
And Moses stretched forth his hand toward heaven; and there was a thick darkness in all the land of Egypt for three days.

Amos 8:9, Torah
"[And consider that] it will come to pass in that day," the Lord God says, "That I will cause the sun to go down at noon, and I will darken the earth in the clear day."

Job 9:7, Torah
[And thus it is He] who commands the sun, and it does not rise; and seals up the stars.

Job 9:9, Torah
Who makes Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades, and the chambers of the south.

[Book of Enoch 82:8], Torah
[For] He has power in heaven, over night and day, to cause light to shine on men; the sun, the moon, and the stars, and all the powers of heaven, which rotate in their orbits.

7:54, Qur'an
[So] indeed, your Lord is God, who created the heavens and earth in six days and then established Himself above the Throne.  He covers the night with the day, [another night] chasing it rapidly; and [He created] the sun, the moon, and the stars, subjected by His command.  Unquestionably, the creation and the command are His; God is blessed, Lord of the worlds.

No verse ever mentions the earth being subjected to move or being in an orbit

The Night Covers the Sun with Darkness, for We Created Two Pairs of All Things

And Thus, God Made the Darkness and the Light; but Where is the Way Where Light Dwells? And as for Darkness, Where is the Place Thereof? So Say, We Erased the Sign of the Night and Made the Sign of the Day Visible

93:1 - 2, Qur'an
By the morning brightness
and [by] the night when it covers with darkness,

51:49, Qur'an
[Indeed,] We created two pairs of all things; perhaps you will remember -

Genesis 1:3 - 4, Torah
[For] God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.
 And God saw the light, that [it was] good, and God divided the light from the darkness.

6:1, Qur'an
[So all] praise is [due] to God, who created the heavens and the earth and made the darkness and the light.

Job 38:19, Torah
[But] where [is] the way [where] light dwells?  And [as for] darkness, where [is] the place thereof?

17:12, Quran
[So say,] We have made the night and day two signs, and We erased the sign of the night [so that it is not visible] and made the sign of the day visible [the sun] so that you may know the number of years and the account [of time] and may seek bounty from your Lord.  And We have set out everything in detail.

[Sirach 33:15], Torah
So look upon all the works of the Most High; and there are two and two, one against another.

36:36 - 37, Qur'an
[And thus] He is Exalted who created all pairs - from what the earth grows and from themselves and from that which they do not know -
[whereby] the night is a sign for them. We remove [the light of] day from it, so they are [left] in darkness.

13:3, Qur'an
And it is He who spread the earth and placed firmly set [mountains] and rivers therein; and He made two pairs from all of the fruits therein; He causes the night to cover the day. Indeed there are signs in that for a people who give thought.

91:3, Qur'an
[So by] the day when it displays [the sun]

91:4, Qur'an
And [by] the night when it covers [the sun]

84:17, Qur'an
And [by] the night and what it envelops

39:5, Qur'an
[Indeed] He created the heavens and earth in truth. He wraps the night over the day and wraps the day over the night and has subjected the sun and the moon, each flowing [its course] for a specified term. Unquestionably, He is the Almighty, the Perpetual Forgiver.

God Made the Heaven a Protected Ceiling, and Spread the Heavens Out Like a Dome

For He Raised the Heavens without Pillars that you can See, and He Restrains the Heaven from Falling upon the Earth

40:64, Qur'an
It is God who made the earth a firm abode for you and the heaven a ceiling and formed you and perfected your forms and provided you with good things. That is God, your Lord; then God is blessed, Lord of the worlds.

Psalms 104:1 - 2, Torah
[So] bless the Lord, O my soul. O Lord my God, You are very great; You are clothed with honor and majesty -
[it is You] who covers with light as [with] a garment, who stretches the heavens out like a curtain.

Isaiah 40:21 - 22, Torah
[Or] have you not known?  Have you not heard?  Has it not been told to you from the beginning?  Have you not understood from the foundations of the earth?
  [It is] He who sits upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof [are] as grasshoppers; who stretches the heavens out as a curtain, and spreads them out as a tent to dwell in.

[2 Ezra 16:59], Torah
[And thus] He spreads the heavens out like a dome; [and] He has founded it upon the waters -

[Book of Enoch 33:2], Torah
…[Whereby] heaven rests on the ends of the earth,

79:27 - 28, Qur'an
[Then] are you a more difficult creation or is the heaven?  [God] constructed it.
He raised its ceiling and proportioned it.

Job 37:18, Torah
[Or] have you spread out the heaven with Him, which is strong, and as a molten mirror?

21:32, Qur'an
[For] We made the heaven a protected ceiling, but they are turning away from its signs.

Job 26:11, Torah
[Even] the pillars of heaven tremble [in fear] and are astonished at His reproof -

13:2, Qur'an
[For] it is God who raised the heavens without pillars that you [can] see; then He established Himself above the Throne and subjected the sun and the moon, each flowing [its course] for a specified term.  He arranges [each] matter; He details the signs so that you may be certain of the meeting with your Lord.

22:65, Qur'an
[Then] do you not see that [it is] God [who] has subjected whatever is on the earth to you and the ships which flow through the sea by His command?  And He restrains the heaven from falling upon the earth, unless by His permission? Indeed God is Kind and Merciful to the people.

We Opened the Gates of the Heaven with Water Pouring Down, and the Fountains of the Great Deep were Broken up, and the Waters Met

Then He Set His Bow in the Cloud as a Covenant, for He has Set a Bound so that the Waters do Not Cover the Earth Again

[2 Ezra 16:58], Torah
He has shut the sea in the midst of the waters, and with His word, He has hanged the earth upon the waters.

2 Peter 3:5 - 6, Gospel
[But] for this, they are willingly ignorant, that by the word of God, the heavens were of old, and the earth, standing out of the water, and through the water.
  Whereby the world perished back then, being overflowed with water -

Genesis 7:11, Torah
[This was] in the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day, all the fountains of the great deep were broken up, and the windows of the heavens were opened.

54:9 - 12, Qur'an
[For] the people of Noah denied before them, and they denied Our servant and said, "[He is a man] possessed [by devils of jinn]," and he was repelled.
  So he invoked his Lord, "Indeed, I am overpowered, so help."  Then We opened the gates of the heaven with water pouring down and caused the earth to burst with springs, and the waters met for a matter already predestined.

Genesis 8:1 - 2, Torah
[Then] God remembered Noah, and every living thing, and all the cattle that [were] with him in the ark, and God made a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters assuaged;
the fountains of the deep and the windows of the heavens were also stopped, and the rain from heaven was restrained.

[Book of Enoch 55:2], Torah
And He swore by His great name, "From now on I will not act like this towards all those who dwell upon the dry ground. And I will put a sign in heaven, and it will be a pledge of faith between Me and them forever, so long as heaven is above the earth -

Genesis 9:12 - 13, Torah
[Whereby] this [is] the token of the covenant which I make between Me and you and every living creature that [is] with you, for perpetual generations.
 I set My bow in the cloud, and it will be for a token of a covenant between Me and the earth.

Genesis 9:14 - 15, Torah
And it will come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow will be seen in the cloud.
 And I will remember My covenant, which [is] between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters will no longer become a flood to destroy all flesh."

Psalms 104:9, Torah
[And thus, He has] set a bound so that they may not pass over; so that [the waters] do not turn again to cover the earth.

[Sirach 43:11 - 12], Torah
[So] look upon the rainbow, and praise Him who made it; it is very beautiful in the brightness thereof.
 It encompasses the heaven about with a glorious circle, and the hands of the Most High have bent it.

71:15, Qur'an
[Then] do you not see how God has created seven heavens, one above another [just as He created the rainbow with seven colors, one above another?]

Do you Not See How God has Created Seven Heavens, One Above Another? For Such a Man was Caught up into the Third Heaven

And God has Created Seven Paths, for He Inspired the Command in Each Heaven, and We Adorned the Nearest Heaven with Lamps and as Protection

2 Corinthians 12:2, Gospel
I knew a man in the Messiah over fourteen years ago, whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell, God knows; such was caught up to the third heaven.

Ephesians 4:10, Gospel
[And] he who descended is also the same who ascended up far above all heavens, so that he might fill all things.

71:15, Qur'an
[Then] do you not see how God has created seven heavens, one above another?

41:12, Qur'an
[For] He completed them as seven heavens within two days and inspired the command in each heaven. And We adorned the [nearest] heaven of this world with lamps and as protection. That is the determination of the Almighty, the Knowing.

23:17, Qur'an
And We have created seven paths above you, and We have never been unaware of [Our] creation.

23:86, Qur'an
[So] say, "Who is Lord of the seven heavens and Lord of the Great Throne?"

Psalms 89:11, Torah
[So say,] "The heavens [are] Yours, the earth also [is] Yours, [as for] the world and the fullness thereof, You have founded them.

Hebrews 1:10, Gospel
[For] You, Lord, have laid the foundation of the earth in the beginning; and the heavens are the works of Your hands."

Isaiah 48:13, Torah
[And thus it is] My hand [that] has also laid the foundation of the earth, and My right hand has spanned the heavens; [when] I call to them, they stand up together.

Those Before were Greater in Power, for they Built the Tower of Babel to Ascend into Heaven and War Against God and Cast Projectiles Toward the Heavens

But God is Not to be Caused Failure by Anything in the Heavens or on the Earth, so He Destroyed their Tower, but a Third is Left to This Day

Genesis 11:4, Torah
[So remember when] they said, "Go, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top [may reach] to the heavens;"

[Book of Jasher 9:25], Torah
[But] the building of the tower [the pyramid of Babel] was a transgression and a sin to them, and they began to build it, and while they were building against the Lord God of heaven, they imagined in their hearts to war against Him and to ascend into heaven.

[Book of Jasher 9:26], Torah
And all these people and all the families divided themselves in three parts; the first said, "We will ascend into heaven and fight against Him;" the second said, "We will ascend to heaven and place our own gods there and serve them;" and the third part said, "We will ascend to heaven and strike Him with bows and spears;" and God knew all their works and all their evil thoughts, and He saw the city and the tower which they were building.

[Book of Jasher 9:27], Torah
And when they were building, they built themselves a great city and a very high and strong tower; and on account of its height, the mortar and bricks did not reach the builders in their ascent to it, until those who went up had completed a full year, and after that, they reached the builders and gave them the mortar and the bricks; thus was it done daily.

[Book of Jasher 9:28], Torah
And behold, these ascended and others descended the whole day; and if a brick should fall from their hands and get broken, they would all weep over it and say, "Woe is us! When will another one come in its stead?" And if a man fell and died, none of them would look at him.

[Book of Jasher 9:29 - 30], Torah
And the Lord knew their thoughts, and it came to pass when they were building, they cast the projectiles toward the heavens, and all the projectiles fell upon them filled with blood, and when they saw them they said to each other, "Surely we have slain all those that are in heaven."
For this was from the Lord in order to cause them to err, and in order to destroy them from off the face of the ground.

[Book of Jasher 9:38], Torah
[For] as for the tower which the sons of men built, the earth opened its mouth and swallowed up one third part thereof, and a fire also descended from heaven and burned another third, and the other third is left to this day [now known as "Mount" Kailash], and it is of that part which was aloft, and its circumference is a three days' walk.

[And this three day walk is preserved today in the Buddhist and Hindu] "three-day [33 mile] clockwise walk around Mt Kailash [6.6 km high, which] is one of Asia's classic treks." - LonelyPlanet.com

35:44, Qur'an
Then have they not traveled through the land and observed how the end was for those before them? And they were greater than them in power. But God is not to be caused failure by anything in the heavens or on the earth. Indeed, He is Knowing and Powerful.

The Tower of Babel - 1/3 is Left to this Day - the 6.6 km "Mount" Kailash in Tibet — Qur'anic Warners (quranicwarners.org)

O Jinn and Mankind, If you are Able to Pass Beyond the Regions of the Heavens, then Pass - You will Not Pass

For a Flame will be Sent upon you and you will Not Defend yourselves; and so the Jinn Became Certain that they will Never Escape by Flight, for God Placed Strongholds within the Heaven

55:33, Qur'an
O company of jinn and mankind, if you are able to pass beyond the regions of the heavens and the earth, then pass.  You will not pass except by authority [from God] -

55:35, Qur'an
[For] a flame of fire and smoke will be sent upon both of you, and you will not defend yourselves.

38:10 - 11, Qur'an
Or is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and what is between them, theirs? Then let them ascend [into the heaven] through [any] ways of access.
[They are merely] soldiers [who will be] defeated there among the companies [of disbelievers].

52:38, Qur'an
Or do they have a stairway [into the heaven] upon which they listen? Then let their listener produce a clear authority -

72:9, Qur'an
"And [thus,] we [jinn] used to sit therein [in the heaven] in positions for hearing,

[Testament of Solomon 113], Torah
[For] we devils ascend into the firmament of heaven, and fly about among the stars -

[Testament of Solomon 114], Torah
And we hear the voices of the heavenly beings,

72:9, Qur'an
But whoever listens now will find a burning flame lying in wait for him.

72:8, Qur'an
And we have sought to touch the heaven but found it filled with powerful guards and burning flames.

72:12, Qur'an
And [so] we have become certain that we will never escape God upon earth, nor can we escape Him by flight."

15:16 - 17, Qur'an
[For] We have placed strongholds within the heaven and have beautified it for the observers.
And We have protected it from every expelled devil -

37:8 - 10, Qur'an
[So that] they may not listen to the exalted assembly [of angels] and are pelted from every side,
repelled; and there is a constant punishment for them, except one who snatches [some words] by theft, but they are pursued by a burning flame, piercing [in brightness].

They used to Worship Devils of Jinn, for Devils Fly Among the Stars and Come Down and Transform themselves in Such a Way to Appear to Men so that they Revere them as if they were gods

And Indeed, Satan was from the Jinn, he Said, "If you Worship me, All will be yours," but did God Not Make a Covenant with you, that you do Not Worship Satan?

34:40, Qur'an
[So mention] the Day [of Judgement,] when He will gather them all and then say to the angels, "Did these people used to worship you?"

34:41, Qur'an
They will say, "You are Exalted!  You, [O God,] are our Protector, not them.  Rather, they used to worship the [devils of] jinn, most of them were believers in them" -

[Testament of Solomon 113], Torah
"[For] we devils transform ourselves in such a way so as to appear to men and be worshipped in our human nature.

[Testament of Solomon 21], Torah
[And] we will again have free range over mankind, so that they will revere us as if we were gods.

[Testament of Solomon 113], Torah
[For] we devils ascend into the firmament of heaven, and fly about among the stars."

[Testament of Solomon 21], Torah
[And the devil Asmodeus said,] "My star is bright in heaven, and men call it, some the Wain, and some the dragon's child. I keep near to this star."

[Testament of Solomon 64], Torah
[And the female devil] Enêpsigos [said], "I have my abode in the moon, and for that reason I possess three forms. At times I am magically invoked by the wise as Kronos. At other times, in connection with those who bring me down, I come down and appear in another shape.

[Testament of Solomon 64], Torah
[For] I undergo changes, like the goddess I am called. And I change again, and pass into possession of another shape.

[Testament of Solomon 64], Torah
I then, changing into three forms, come down [from the heavens] and become such as you see me;"

[Testament of Solomon 34], Torah
[And seven female devils said,] "Our stars are in heaven. Seven stars [the Pleiades or Seven Sisters] humble in sheen, and all together. And we are called as it were, goddesses."

[Testament of Solomon 61], Torah
And [a dragon-shaped] spirit answered and said, "I am a spirit made into a god among men,"

6:100, Qur'an
[And thus, mankind] has attributed [god and goddess] partners to God - the [devils of] jinn, while He has created them [from fire].

18:50, Qur'an
[And Satan] was from the jinn, and he defiantly disobeyed against the command of his Lord. Then will you take [Satan] and his offspring as allies other than Me while they are enemies to you?  It is wretched for the wrongdoers as an exchange -

Isaiah 14:13, Torah
For [Satan] had said in [his] heart, "I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God,

Isaiah 13:14, Torah
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High.

Luke 4:7, Gospel
[And thus,] if you will therefore prostrate to me, all will be yours."

36:60 - 64, Qur'an
[But] did I not make a covenant with you, O children of Adam, that you do not worship Satan - [for] indeed, he is a clear enemy to you -
and that you worship [only] Me?  This is a straight path.  And he had already led astray much of creation from among you, so did you not use reason? This is Gehenna, which you were promised. Burn therein Today for what you used to deny."

26:91 - 95, Qur'an
And [so] Hellfire will be brought forth for the deviators,
and it will be said to them, "Where are those [jinn] you used to worship other than God?  Can they help you or help themselves?"  So they will be overturned into [Hellfire], they and the deviators and the hosts of Iblees [Satan], all together.

26:96 - 99, Qur'an
[And] they will say while they dispute therein [the Hellfire],
"By God, we were indeed in clear error when we equated you [O Iblees and your hosts] with the Lord of the worlds.  And no one misguided us except the criminals."

When the Disbelievers See the Angels and the Signs of your Lord Come on the Day of Judgement, there will be No Denial at its Occurrence

But the Wrongdoers are in Clear Error Today, for they used to Laugh at those who Believed, but they will be Enveloped by what they used to Ridicule

56:1 - 2, Qur'an
When the Occurrence [of the Day of Judgement] occurs,
there is no denial at its occurrence -

19:38 - 39, Qur'an
[For] how [clearly] they will hear and see the Day they come to Us, but the wrongdoers are in clear error today.
[So] warn them of the Day of Regret, when the matter will be concluded; and [yet], they are in [a state of] heedlessness, and they do not believe -

25:21 - 22, Qur'an
[For] those who do not expect the meeting with Us say, "Why were angels not sent down to us, or [why] do we [not] see our Lord?"  They have certainly become arrogant within themselves and [become] insolent with great insolence.
The Day they see the angels - there will be no good news that Day for the criminals, and [the angels] will say, "Prevented and inaccessible."

6:158, Qur'an
[Then] do they wait for [nothing] except that the angels should come to them, or your Lord should come, or that some of the signs of your Lord should come? The Day that some of the signs of your Lord will come, no soul will benefit from its faith as long as it had not believed before or had earned some good through its faith. Say, "Wait. Indeed, we are [also] waiting."

25:25 - 26, Qur'an
[For on] the Day [of Judgement], the heaven will split open with [emerging] clouds, and the angels will be sent down in successive descent.
The true Kingdom is for the Most Gracious that Day. And it will be a difficult Day upon the disbelievers -

39:48, Qur'an
[For] the evils they had earned will appear to them, and they will be enveloped by what they used to ridicule.

83:29 - 34, Qur'an
Indeed, those who committed crimes used to laugh at those who believed.
And when they passed by them, they would exchange derisive glances. And when they returned to their people, they would return jesting. And when they saw them, they would say, "Indeed, those are truly lost." But they had not been sent as guardians over them. So Today those who believed are laughing at the disbelievers -

38:62 - 63, Qur'an
[For] they, [the disbelievers], will say, "Why do we not see men whom we used to count among the worst?
Is it [because] we took them in ridicule, or has [our] vision turned away from them?"

23:108 - 111, Qur'an
He will say, "Remain despised therein and do not speak to Me.
Indeed, there was a group of My servants who said, 'Our Lord, we have believed, so forgive us and have mercy upon us, and You are the best of the merciful.' But you took them in mockery until they made you forget My remembrance, and you used to laugh at them. Indeed, I have rewarded them for their patience this Day - so that they are the successful."

53:59 - 61, Qur'an
Then do you wonder at this statement?
And you laugh and do not weep while you are amusing yourselves?

26:5 - 6, Qur'an
[For] no reminder comes to them anew from the Most Gracious except that they turn away from it.
For they have already denied, but the news of that which they used to ridicule will come to them -

89:22, Qur'an
[The Day when] your Lord has come and [also] the angels, rank upon rank,

[Book of Enoch 1:4], Torah
And the Eternal God will tread from there upon Mount Sinai, and He will appear with His host, and will appear in the strength of His power from heaven.

16:33 - 34, Qur'an
[Then] do the disbelievers await [nothing] except that the angels should come to them or the command of your Lord should come? Thus did those do before them. And God did not wrong them, but they had been wronging themselves.
So they were struck by the evil [consequences] of what they did and were enveloped by what they used to ridicule.

Those who do Not Believe in the Hereafter are in Extreme Error, for the Hour is Coming in which you will Surely be Resurrected

And Thus, they will be Enveloped by what they used to Ridicule, for they Say, "There is Nothing but our Worldly Life, we Die and Live"

64:7, Qur'an
Those who disbelieve have claimed that they will never be resurrected. Say, "Yes, by my Lord, you will surely be resurrected; then you will surely be informed of what you did.  And that is easy for God" -

22:66, Qur'an
[For] He is the One who gave you life; then He causes you to die and then He will [again] give you life. Indeed, mankind is ungrateful.

11:7 - 8, Qur'an
And it is He who created the heavens and the earth in six days - and His Throne had been upon water - so that He might test you as to which of you is best in deed. But if you say, "Indeed, you are resurrected after death," those who disbelieve will surely say, "This is nothing but clear magic."
  And if We hold the punishment back from them for a limited time, they will surely say, "What detains it?"  Unquestionably, on the Day it comes to them, it will not be averted from them, and they will be enveloped by what they used to ridicule -

23:81 - 83, Qur'an
[For] they say like what the former [peoples] said.
  They said, "When we have died and become dust and bones, are we indeed to be resurrected?  We have been promised this before, we and our forefathers; this is nothing but legends of the former [peoples].

44:35, Qur'an
There is nothing but our first death, and we will not be resurrected."

34:7 - 8, Qur'an
[And] those who disbelieve say, "May we direct you to a man who will inform you [that] when you have disintegrated in complete disintegration, you will [then] be [recreated] in a new creation?
Has he invented a lie about God or is a [devil of] jinn in him?"  Rather, they who do not believe in the Hereafter will be in the punishment and [are in] extreme error -

45:24, Qur'an
[For] they say, "There is nothing but our worldly life; we die and live, and nothing destroys us except time."  And they have no knowledge of that; they are only assuming -

45:32 - 33, Qur'an
[For] when it was said, "Indeed, the promise of God is truth and the Hour [is coming] - no doubt about it," you said, "We do not know what the Hour is.  We assume only assumption, and we are not convinced."
  So the evil [consequences] of what they did will appear to them, and they will be enveloped by what they used to ridicule.

17:98 - 99, Qur'an
That is their recompense because they disbelieved in Our verses and said, "When we are bones and crumbled particles, will we [truly] be resurrected [in] a new creation?"
  Do they not see that God, who created the heavens and earth, is [the one] Able to create the likes of them?  And He has appointed a term for them, about which there is no doubt.  But the wrongdoers refuse [anything] except disbelief -

16:38 - 39, Qur'an
[For] they swear by God their strongest oaths [that] God will not resurrect one who dies.  But yes - [it is] a true promise [binding] upon Him, but most of the people do not know.
  [It is] so He will make [the truth] clear to them in that wherein they differ and so those who have disbelieved may know that they were liars.

6:27 - 29, Qur'an
And [so] if you could see when they are made to stand before the Fire and will say, "Oh, if only we could be returned [to life on earth] and not deny the signs of our Lord and be among the believers."
[But] what they concealed before has [now] appeared to them. And even if they were returned, they would return to that which they were forbidden; and indeed, they are liars - [for] they say, "There is nothing but our worldly life, and we will not be resurrected."

22:7, Qur'an
[But] the Hour is coming - no doubt about it - that God will resurrect those in the graves -

42:18, Qur'an
Those who do not believe in it are impatient for it, but those who believe are fearful of it and know that it is the truth. Unquestionably, those who dispute concerning the Hour are in extreme error.

Warn of the Day of Judgement, When God will Remove the Mountains, and you will See the Earth a Flat Plain

You will Not See Any Curve Therein, and those who Mocked will be Enveloped by what they used to Ridicule

18:47, Qur'an
[So warn them of] the Day when We will remove the mountains and you will see the earth a flat plain, and We will gather them and not leave anyone behind from them.

20:105 - 107, Qur'an
[So] they ask you about the mountains, so say, "My Lord will blow them away with a blast.
  And He will leave [the earth] a flat plain; you will not see any crookedness or any curve therein" -

[Baruch 5:7], Torah
For God has decreed the flattening of each high mountain, of the everlasting hills, the filling of the valleys to make the ground level.

69:13 - 15, Qur'an
[It will be on the Day] when the Trumpet is blown with one blast
and the earth and the mountains are lifted and leveled [flat] with one blow - then on that Day, the Event will occur -

56:2 - 6, Qur'an
There is no denial at its occurrence.
It will bring down [some] and raise up [others]. When the earth is shaken with convulsion and the mountains are broken down, crumbling, and become dispersing dust.

85:19, Qur'an
But those who disbelieve are in [persistent] denial -

[For they say,] "What is important about the flat-earth statements within the Qur'an is that here we have hard irrefutable proof that this book is not authored by a god and contains stuff that is factually wrong." - skeptical-science.com

Revelation 6:14, Gospel
And [so] every mountain and island were moved out of their places; and the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together.

6:5, Qur'an
For they had denied the truth when it came to them, but the news of what they used to ridicule is going to reach them -

84:3, Qur'an
[It will be on the Day] when the earth has been flattened out -

52:10 - 12, Qur'an
[When] the mountains will pass on, departing -
then woe to the deniers that Day, who are in [empty] discourse amusing themselves.

8:31, Qur'an
And when Our verses are recited to them, they say, "We have certainly heard.  If we willed, we could say [something] like this.  This is nothing but legends of the former [peoples]."

89:21, Qur'an
No! When the earth has been leveled [flat] - pounded and crushed -

11:21, Qur'an
Those are the ones who will have lost themselves, and [the globe which] they used to invent will be lost from them.

88:20 - 22, Qur'an
[Then do they not look] at the earth - how it is spread out
[flat as a carpet spread around]?  So remind, you are only a reminder.  You are not a controller over them -

21:41, Qur'an
[For] messengers were already ridiculed before you, but those who mocked them were enveloped by what they used to ridicule.

The Stars will Fall from Heaven to the Earth on the Day of Judgement, When the Heaven will Shake

For We have Adorned the Heaven with Stars and as Protection Against Every Devil, but they Denied, and so they will be Enveloped by what they used to Ridicule

Matthew 24:29, Gospel
[Jesus said,] "Immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give her light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken."

81:2, Qur'an
And [thus, on the Day of Judgement,] when the stars fall, dispersing -

Isaiah 34:4, Torah
All the host of heaven will be dissolved, and the heavens will be rolled together as a scroll, and all their host will fall down, as the leaf falls off from the vine, and as a falling [fig] from the fig tree -

52:9, Qur'an
[For] on the Day [of Judgement], the heaven will shake [with a violent] shake.

[For they said,] "Stars are giant, luminous spheres of plasma.  There are billions of them — including our own sun — in the Milky Way Galaxy."  - space.com

Revelation 6:13, Gospel
And [thus] the stars of heaven fell to the earth, even as a fig tree casts her untimely figs, when she is shaken by a mighty wind.

54:3 - 5, Qur'an
[For] they denied and followed their inclinations.  But there is a [time of] settlement for every matter.
 And information has already come to them in which there is deterrence - extensive wisdom - but warning does not avail [them] -

37:6 - 7, Qur'an
[For] indeed, We have adorned the [lowest] heaven of this world with an adornment of stars
and as protection against every rebellious devil.

37:69 - 72, Qur'an
[But] indeed they found their fathers astray.
 So they hastened [to follow] in their footsteps.  And most of the former [peoples] had already strayed before them, and We had already sent warners among them.

40:83, Qur'an
[But] when their messengers came to them with clear proofs, they [merely] rejoiced in what they had of knowledge, but they were enveloped by what they used to ridicule.

The Heavens will be Rolled Together as a Scroll on the Day of Resurrection

For We Made the Heaven a Protected Ceiling, but they are Turning Away from its Signs, so the News of what they used to Ridicule is Going to Reach them

39:67, Qur'an
They have not appraised God with true appraisal, while the earth will be entirely [within] His grip on the Day of Resurrection, and the heavens will be folded in His right hand.  He exalted and high above what they associate with Him -

Hebrews 1:10 - 12, Gospel
[For] You [alone], Lord, have laid the foundation of the earth in the beginning; and the heavens are the works of Your hands,
 they will perish; but You remain; and they all will wax old as a garment does; and as a vesture, You will fold them up, and they will be changed, but You are the same, and Your years will not fail.

Isaiah 34:4, Torah
And [thus] the heavens will be rolled together as a scroll, and all the host of heaven will be dissolved, and all their host will fall down, as the leaf falls off from the vine, and as a falling [fig] from the fig tree.

[For they say,] "Like most ancient peoples, the Hebrews believed the sky was a solid dome with the SunMoonplanets, and stars embedded in it." - Wikipedia

Revelation 6:14, Gospel
And [so] the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.

21:32, Qur'an
[For] We made the heaven a protected ceiling, but they are turning away from its signs -

25:5, Qur'an
[For] they say, "[They are] legends of the former [peoples] which he has written down, and they are dictated to him morning and afternoon."

6:5, Qur'an
[And thus,] they had denied the truth when it came to them, but the news of what they used to ridicule is going to reach them -

21:104, Qur'an
The Day when We will fold the heaven like the folding of a scroll for the records.  As We began the first creation, We will repeat it.  [That is] a promise binding upon Us.  Indeed, We will do it.

57:21, Qur'an
[So] race toward forgiveness from your Lord and a Garden whose width is like the width of the heavens and earth, prepared for those who believed in God and His messengers.  That is the bounty of God which He gives to whomever He wills, and God is the possessor of great bounty.

When the Earth is Shaken with its Final Earthquake, the Great Day of His Wrath has Come, and who will be Able to Stand?

So When Earthquakes and Uproars of the People will be Seen in the World, Then Understand that the Most High Spoke of those Things from the Beginning

Mark 13:4, Gospel
[They asked Jesus,] "Tell us, when will these things be?  And what [will be] the sign when all these things will be fulfilled?"

Mark 13:8, Gospel
[So Jesus answered them,] "Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be earthquakes in various places, and there will be famines and troubles, these [are] the beginnings of sorrows."

[2 Ezra 9:3 - 5], Torah
Therefore, when earthquakes and uproars of the people will be seen in the world;
 then you will well understand, that the Most High spoke of those things from the days that were before you, even from the beginning.  For as all that is made in the world has a beginning and an end, and the End is manifest.

99:1 - 5, Qur'an
[And thus] when the earth is shaken with its [final] earthquake,
and the earth discharges its burdens, and man says, "What is [wrong] with it?" - that Day, it will report its news, because your Lord has commanded it.

79:6 - 7, Qur'an
[And so] on the Day, the quake will quake,
[and] the subsequent [one] will follow it.

Revelation 6:12 - 14, Gospel
[And thus,] there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;
and the stars of heaven fell to the earth, even as a fig tree casts her untimely figs, when she is shaken by a mighty wind. And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.

Revelation 6:17, Gospel
For the Great Day of His wrath has come; and who will be able to stand?

I Create New Heavens and a New Earth, for God Begins Creation and then Repeats it, and so the Earth will be Replaced by Another Earth, and Also the Heavens

And the Garden will be Brought Near, Not Far, and the Hellfire will be Brought Forth, and they will be Abiding Eternally Therein as Long as the Heavens and the Earth Endure

14:48, Qur'an
On the Day [of Resurrection], the earth will be replaced by another earth, and [also] the heavens, and all creatures will come out before God, the One, the Prevailing.

Isaiah 65:17, Torah
[And God will say,] "Behold, I create new heavens and a new earth, and the former will not be remembered, nor come to mind -

21:104, Qur'an
[It will be on] the Day when We will fold the heaven like the folding of a scroll for the records.  As We began the first creation, We will repeat it.  [That is] a promise binding upon Us.  Indeed, We will do it."

2 Peter 3:13, Gospel
[And thus,] according to His promise, we look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein righteousness dwells.

Revelation 21:1, Gospel
And [so] I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth passed away; and there was no more sea.

50:31, Qur'an
And the Garden will be brought near to those who fear [God], not far,

26:91, Qur'an
And Hellfire will be brought forth for the deviators,

11:108, Qur'an
As for those who were glad [on the Day of Resurrection], they will be in the Garden, abiding eternally therein as long as the heavens and the earth endure, except what your Lord should will - an uninterrupted bestowal.

11:106 - 107, Qur'an
[But] as for those who were wretched, they will be in the Fire.  There is sighing and wailing for them therein.
  [They will be] abiding eternally therein as long as the heavens and the earth endure, except what your Lord should will.  Indeed, your Lord is an effecter of what He intends.

This is the Fire which you used to Deny, then is this Magic, or do you Not See? Burn Therein

That was Because you used to Exult upon the Earth without Truth, and you used to Laugh at the Believers; so Woe to the Deniers that Day - those are in Extreme Error

52:13 - 16, Qur'an
The Day they are thrust toward the fire of Hell with a [violent] thrust,
[its angels will say], "This is the Fire which you used to deny.  Then is this magic, or do you not see?  [Enter to] burn therein; then be patient or impatient - it is all the same for you.  You are only being recompensed [for] what you used to do -

40:75 - 76, Qur'an
That was because you used to exult upon the earth without truth and you used to behave insolently.
 Enter the gates of Hell to abide eternally therein, and it is wretched for the arrogant as a residence" -

67:8 - 10, Qur'an
[For Hell] almost bursts with rage. Every time a company is thrown into it, its keepers ask them, "Did a warner not come to you?"
They will say, "Yes, a warner had come to us, but we denied and said, 'God has not sent down anything. You are in nothing but great error.'" And they will say, "If only we had been listening or reasoning, we would not be among the companions of the Blaze."

7:44 - 45, Qur'an
And the companions of the Garden will call out to the companions of the Fire, "We have already found what our Lord promised us to be true. Have you found what your Lord promised to be true?" They will say, "Yes." Then an announcer will announce among them, "The curse of God will be upon the wrongdoers"
- who averted [people] from the way of God and sought to make it [seem] deviant while they were disbelievers concerning the Hereafter.

77:28 - 34, Qur'an
[So] woe to the deniers that Day.
  [They will be told], "Proceed to that which you used to deny. Proceed to a shadow [of smoke] having three columns [but having] no cool shade and not availing against the flame." Indeed, it throws sparks [as huge] as a fortress, as if they were yellowish [black] camels. Woe to the deniers that Day -

14:3, Qur'an
The ones who prefer the worldly life over the Hereafter and avert [people] from the way of God, seeking to make it [seem] deviant. Those are in extreme error.

46:34, Qur'an
[For] the Day those who disbelieved are exposed to the Fire [it will be said], "Is this not the truth?"  They will say, "Yes, by our Lord."  He will say, "Then taste the punishment because you used to disbelieve -

45:35, Qur'an
That is because you took the verses of God in ridicule, and worldly life deluded you."  So they will not be removed from [Hell] that Day, nor will they be asked to appease [God].

39:72, Qur'an
[To them] it will be said, "Enter the gates of Hell to abide eternally therein, and it is wretched for the arrogant as a residence."

39:59 - 60, Qur'an
[For] yes, My verses had come to you, but you denied them and were arrogant, and you were among the disbelievers.
And [thus,] on the Day of Resurrection you will see those who lied about God [with] their faces blackened.  Is there not a residence in Hell for the arrogant?