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Evidence that Sunsets are Mirages and can Occur on a Flat Earth without the "Curve of the Earth"

Evidence that Sunsets are Mirages and can Occur on a Flat Earth without the "Curve of the Earth"

Nikon P1000 Footage Shows that Sunsets are Mirages Caused by the Refraction of Light

And Refraction is Sufficient to Cause an Object to Set without Any Obstructions Such as the 'Curve of the Earth'

People claim that a sunset would be impossible on a flat earth, but this is false and shows how people are incapable of fathoming other ways that phenomena can occur. This will be shown with evidence using footage of a sunset as well as a simple experiment.

First, what most people do not know or acknowledge is that during a sunset, the sun is a mirage near the horizon. They do not know this because it is not easily noticeable with the naked eye, rather, it can only be easily seen with a high zoom camera such as a Nikon P1000, which was used for this footage.

However, even without a high zoom camera, the fact that the sun can even be seen with your eye during a sunset is evidence that you are not actually looking at the sun, but rather, a mirage of the sun. This is because during normal daytime hours, you cannot look at the sun without risking serious damage to your eyes, but during a sunset, you can look at the sun without any harm.

The video above and the GIFs above and below clearly show the sun in a state of a mirage while it is close to the horizon.

And thus, because the sun is a mirage as it sets, it cannot be stated as an undeniable fact that the sun sets due to the 'curve of the earth.' This is because refraction alone is sufficient to cause an object to set without any curve or obstruction. Furthermore, because the sun is a mirage as it sets, refraction is therefore occurring and cannot be ignored. The below experiment shows that refraction alone can cause an object to set.

Simple Experiment Shows that the Sun can Set on a Flat Earth Using Refraction and without Any Curve

Most people would claim that it is undeniably impossible for an object such as the sun to set on a flat earth, and yet this experiment proves that to be false ignorance. This experiment proves that refraction alone is sufficient to cause an object to appear to set without going behind any obstruction such as the 'curve of the earth,' since this orange sets on a flat table. And when the lens is lifted at the end of this experiment, the orange is still completely visible at the end of the table, but with the lens still in place, the orange is not visible. The lens serves as a means of refraction.

And coupling this experiment with the clear evidence from above that the sun is a mirage as it sets, and being that mirages are caused by the refraction of light, this would mean that a sunset could also occur with refraction alone without any 'curve' to obstruct it. So no, it cannot be stated as an undeniable fact that sunsets are caused by the 'curve of the earth,' since refraction alone could also cause a sunset on a flat earth.

And this does not just apply to sunsets, this could also be applied to tall buildings or mountains or large ships disappearing bottom first on the horizon, since the orange disappears bottom first on a flat table. And so again, what most would claim is only possible on a globe earth but impossible on a flat earth, is not true at all, and only proves that many people are incapable of fathoming other ways that phenomena can occur.

But when this experiment is shown to the average person, they completely ignore that they claimed this was completely impossible and cannot even concede that they were wrong. And instead, they say that the orange changes size in this experiment, so it cannot be flat. That claim is only proving that they do not understand that parameters can be changed because this experiment is not meant to be an exact 100% replication of what is happening, it is just a demonstration of concept. This is only a small-scale experiment in which the orange is close, whereas the sun is far even in a flat earth model, so the changes in distance that the sun would make would not make the sun appear smaller, but changes in distance of a small orange nearby would make the orange appear smaller because this is a small-scale experiment.

Even doing a globe experiment to show that the sun disappears behind the curve of a ball would not perfectly replicate a real sunset, since real sunsets have the sun being distorted due to refraction, it also has the sun changing brightness to the point that you can look at the sun whereas you normally cannot; none of these would be replicated in a simple experiment such as this using something such as a rotating ball and an orange in the distance, but globe earthers would not claim that the earth is not a globe because of these inaccuracies.

And as for this experiment, the properties of the lens, the size and distance of the orange could be changed as well, or the medium in which the refraction is taking place could also be changed instead of being a lens in order to more closely match the refraction taking place in the atmosphere as well as the non-changing size of the sun/orange. So just because this simple lens does not 100% mimic the atmosphere and other phenomena occurring and the nearby orange changes size because it is close and not very far like the actual sun, it does not mean that this experiment could not be altered to more closely match what is occurring in reality.

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Boats do Not Sail Over the "Curve" of the Earth

Boats do Not Sail Over the "Curve" of the Earth