Boats do Not Sail Over the "Curve" of the Earth
Nikon P1000 Full 125x Optical Zoom Video Shows Boats Appearing Above the Water Line
The above video has a boat appearing on the horizon, shot using the full 125x optical zoom of the Nikon P1000, and an even shorter GIF version is below. The video shows a boat appearing in a mirage-like state on the horizon while significantly above the water line, or what many would call the alleged 'curve.' This means that the 'curve' could not be what is obstructing the boat.
For a closer look, below is a three-image GIF sequence showing the boat hovering significantly above the water line as it sails into view. At the very least, the curve of the earth would be the waves at the horizon, but this would just be the visible horizon; the true horizon would actually be below the waves even on a globe earth, just as mountains or hills on the horizon would only be the visible horizon, not the true horizon (the true horizon would be below them). And yet, people still claim that the curve of the earth is what is causing this boat to disappear. No, the curve of the earth has nothing to do with this boat disappearing, you can also see the mirroring effect that the mirage has on the boat.
This is an example of how most people see the globe in everything because that is what they have been taught, even when the 'curve of the earth' has nothing to do with this boat appearing on the horizon.
Nikon P1000 Full 125x Optical Zoom Video Shows Boats Obstructed by the Water on the Horizon
But this is Not Proof of a Globe Earth, as this would Also Occur on a Flat Earth
Footage of boats being obstructed by water on the horizon is one of the first proofs that people claim for the earth being a globe, but what most people do not know, is that this would also occur on a flat earth. And right now, most people are probably shaking their heads, "knowing" that this is not true in their heads. But it is true, and the fact that this is true only proves that most people dismiss the flat earth theory without any actual knowledge.
Flat earthers and globe earthers alike often claim that a boat would always be visible on a flat earth, regardless of how far it gets, and although this is true in theory, the reality is, that this relies on the horizon being perfectly flat with no obstructions at all. This theory is shown in the GIF below.
The problem is that both globe earthers and even flat earthers falsely assume that the ocean is perfectly flat, and so they think of the theory above as reality. But the ocean is not perfectly flat, rather, the waves have a non-negligible height even on the horizon, and these waves are what globe earthers and flat earthers both overlook.
Furthermore, the true horizon is not the waves, but rather, below the waves, and so as the boat continues to move further away, assuming a flat earth, it will continue to get smaller, yet the waves on the visible horizon will remain a fixed height. This effect is demonstrated in the original video above, as well as the GIF below. This will cause the boat to disappear bottom first as it continues to get smaller as it gets further away even on a flat earth.
And so, what people think is proof of a globe earth, would actually also occur on a flat earth, and yet, they would have claimed that this is impossible. This shows that people are incapable of fathoming how things would work on a flat earth, and yet they arrogantly dismiss a flat earth as impossible.
But this is just taking one aspect into account, other phenomena are occurring which would also have to be taken into account for a more complete explanation, such as refraction.
There are other examples with tall buildings disappearing bottom first as they get further away. The above example is most likely not a sufficient reason, it would only apply to smaller objects that are typically 'closer.' For an experiment demonstrating how a large or tall object could disappear bottom first on a flat earth as it gets further away, see the experiment on this page: