God Turned Humans into Apes and Pigs, so do Not Eat the Flesh of Pigs, for God Hated those Devourers of Man's Flesh
For God Cursed those who Transgressed, Saying, "Be Apes," and "[Be Pigs]," Whereby, When He Intends a Thing, He Only Says to it, "Be," and it is
36:82, Qur'an
[God's] command when He intends a thing, is that He only says to it, "Be," and it is -
Genesis 1:3, Torah
[For remember that] God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.
3:59, Qur'an
[And] He created [Adam] from dust; then He said to him, "Be," and he was.
6:145, Qur'an
[So do not eat] the flesh of pigs [or apes] - for indeed, it is an abomination -
[Wisdom of Solomon 12:5], Torah
[For God similarly hated] those devourers of man's flesh;
Ancient Christian Art Depicts Apocryphal Scenes of a Young Jesus Turning Children into Pigs
The Holkham Bible Picture Book fol. 16r
In the image above, a young Jesus Christ turned children into pigs. In the left scene, an adult is hiding a child in an oven, while another is talking to a young Jesus. In the next scene, the same oven is now filled with three little pigs.
The Miracle of the Children in the Oven in the Neville of Hornby Hours
The above image is an apocryphal story that belongs to a series of stories associated with the infancy of Jesus Christ. In the accompanying text, Jesus wanted to play with some children, but their parents did not want him to play with them, so they hid their kids in an oven. When Jesus asked the parents what was in the oven, the parents replied that it was filled with pigs. So Jesus said, "So be it," and when he had left and the parents opened the oven, it was filled with pigs.
Left: Fragment of One of the Tring Tiles, Right: Manuscript Leaf from 14-Century England
In the above image on the left, a young Jesus is near an oven with adults, and in the next scene on the right (from a different artist), the oven is opened and the parents see that it is now filled with pigs.
The Miracle of the Children in the Oven in the Illustrated Les Enfaunces de Jesu Crist
In the above image sequence, the same apocryphal story is again repeated, in which the first scene shows a young Jesus near an oven and some adults, and in the next scene below, the oven is opened, and the parents see that it is now filled with pigs.
These ancient images prove that this story was once believed by ancient Christians, but these stories are now unheard of because they have been removed and labeled "apocrypha" which literally means to "hide away."
Cannibals Say that Humans Taste Like Pork
Long Pig
"Long pig is an antiquated term for human flesh, eaten by cannibals. Purportedly, the term long pig is a translation of a phrase used in the Pacific Islands for human flesh intended for consumption. Early explorers and missionaries who contacted cannibal Pacific Islanders were told that human flesh tasted similar to pork, thus the term long pig."
Thus in Melanesia, a human prepared for consumption was referred to as a "long pig." (The Japan Times)
Cannibalism was part of traditional culture in Papua New Guinea, where human flesh was known as "long pig," and survived in isolated pockets into the latter part of the 20th century while the country was under Australian colonial rule. (The Telegraph)
They took special care to avoid, to the east, the Karankawa, notorious for eating settlers (tribesmen called the dish "long pig"). (The Hollywood Reporter)
Theroux wrote, "It was a theory of mine that former cannibals of Oceania now feasted on Spam because Spam came the nearest to approximating the porky taste of human flesh, 'Long pig' as they called a cooked human being in much of Melanesia." (The Huffington Post)
Just one explorer survived, and that was Alferd Packer, who only made it because of a decision to feast on a diet of long pig. (The Austin Chronicle) - Grammarist
German Cannibal Armin Meiwes
And the infamous German cannibal, Armin Meiwes, said when interviewed by 60 Minutes, that "The flesh tastes like pork, but stronger, more substantial, although I don't think other people would have noticed a difference had they eaten it. It tasted really good."
American Cannibal Joseph Metheny
And American cannibal, Joseph Metheny, said that "It tastes very similar to pork, if you mix it together, no one can tell the difference." He then sold it to people at a roadside barbeque stand.
Humans Share 98% of their DNA with Apes and Pigs, for God Turned Humans into Apes and Pigs
Humans: 99%
Chimps: 98.8%
Gorillas: 98.4%
Pigs: 98%
Orangutans: 96.9%
Cats: 90%
Mouse: 85%
However, Humans Share More DNA with Pigs (98%) than Orangutans (96.9%)
And Thus, Common Descent is Falsified, Since Humans are Supposed to Share More DNA with Creatures Closer in the Evolutionary Line (Apes), than with Other Mammals Such as Pigs
The assertion of common descent could also have been disproven with the invention of DNA sequencing methods. If true, human DNA should be far more similar to chimpanzees and other great apes, than to other mammals. If not, then common descent is falsified. - J. B. S. Haldane
One of the types of great ape is the orangutan, and so human DNA should be more similar to orangutans than to other mammals. And researchers discovered that humans and orangutans share approximately 97% of their DNA. But the genetic DNA similarity between pigs and human beings is 98% (which is greater than that of the orangutan). But if common descent is indeed true, then human DNA should be far more similar to great apes like the orangutan, than to other mammals such as a pig. But human DNA is instead more similar to pigs than orangutans, which means that common descent is falsified. This is because:
Humans are supposed to share DNA with creatures closer in the evolutionary line, and with common ancestors to a greater extent, than with those who are further removed. The great apes are supposed to be on the top of the list, while lesser apes and monkeys and prosimians are a little further removed. And other mammals are supposed to be even further, and they are supposed to be followed by insects and plants and more rudimentary life forms. - Sciencing.com
But humans share more DNA with a pig, than with an orangutan, which therefore falsifies common descent in human evolution, which in turn falsifies the theory of evolution. This is because this principle is a fundamental aspect of Darwin's theory of evolution. Common descent is a concept in evolutionary biology that all organisms on earth are descended from a common ancestor or ancestral gene pool. And so with common descent falsified, then the theory of evolution loses its fundamental principle, and so it too is falsified.