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Was Rashad Khalifa a Messenger? No, for he was Stabbed to Death, but God Saves His Messengers

The Disbelievers [Like Rashad Khalifa] have No Protector, but We will Surely Save Our [True] Messengers, for Every Nation Intended to Seize their Messenger

And Rashad Khalifa likewise said, "The most important difference between God's messenger and a fake messenger is that God's messenger is supported by God, while the fake messenger is not." -

So Never Think that God will Fail in His Promise to His Messengers - that they would be those Given Help, for God Saved Noah, Hud, Abraham, Lot, Salih, Shu'ayb, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad

But "Rashad Khalifa, was stabbed and beaten to death." -

For "God's messenger is supported by God, while the fake messenger is not." - Rashad Khalifa himself

37:171 - 172, Qur'an
Our word has already preceded for Our servants, the messengers,
[that] indeed, they would be those given help -

29:24, Qur'an
[For] there was no answer from [Abraham's] people except that they said, "Kill him or burn him," but God saved him from the fire.  Indeed there are signs in that for a people who believe.

26:116, Qur'an
[And] they said, "If you do not desist, O Noah, you will surely be among those who are stoned."

21:77, Qur'an
[So] We saved [Noah] from the people who denied Our signs. Indeed, they were a people of evil, so We drowned them, all together.

7:72, Qur'an
And We saved [Hud] and those with him by mercy from Us. And We eliminated those who denied Our signs, and they were not at all believers.

27:56, Qur'an
[And] there was no answer from [Lot's] people except that they said, "Expel the family of Lot from your city.  Indeed, they are men who keep themselves pure."

7:83, Qur'an
So We saved [Lot] and his family, except for his wife; she was among those who remained [with the evildoers].

8:30, Qur'an
[And remember] when those who disbelieved plotted against you [O Muhammad], to restrain you or kill you or evict you. But they plan, and God plans. And God is the best of planners -

9:26, Qur'an
[For] God sent His tranquility down upon His messenger and upon the believers and sent down armies [of angels] whom you did not see and punished those who disbelieved. And that is the recompense of the disbelievers.

27:49, Qur'an
[And the people of Thamud] said, "Take a mutual oath by God that we will kill [Salih] by night, him and his family.  Then we will say to his protector, 'We did not witness the destruction of his family, and indeed, we are truthful.'"

11:66, Qur'an
So when Our command came, We saved Salih and those who believed with him, by mercy from Us, and [saved them] from the disgrace of that day. Indeed, it is your Lord who is the Powerful, the Almighty.

7:88, Qur'an
[And] the eminent who were arrogant among [Shu'ayb's] people said, "We will surely evict you, O Shu'ayb, and those who have believed with you from our city, or you must return to our religion."  He said, "Even if we were unwilling?"

11:94, Qur'an
[So] when Our command came, We saved Shu'ayb and those who believed with him, by mercy from Us. And the shriek seized those who had wronged, and they became [corpses] fallen prone within their homes.

40:26, Qur'an
And Pharaoh said, "Let me kill Moses and let him call upon his Lord.  Indeed, I fear that he will change your religion or that he will cause corruption in the land."

40:45, Qur'an
So God saved [Moses] from the evils they plotted, and the people of Pharaoh were enveloped by the worst of punishment.

2:87, Qur'an
And [then] We certainly gave Moses the Scripture, and followed up with messengers after him. And We gave Jesus, the son of Mary, clear proofs and supported him with the Holy Spirit. But is it [not] that every time a messenger came to you, [O Children of Israel], with what your souls did not desire, you were arrogant? And you denied a group and you "killed" another group -

Luke 23:21, Gospel
[For the Children of Israel] cried, saying, "Crucify [Jesus], crucify him."

4:157, Qur'an
[So We cursed the Children of Israel] for their saying, "Indeed, we have killed the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, the messenger of God."  [But] they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him; but [another] was made to resemble him to them.  And indeed, those who differ over it are in doubt about it.  They have no knowledge of it except the following of assumption.  And they did not kill him, for certain -

10:103, Qur'an
[For] We will save Our messengers and those who have believed. Thus, it is an obligation upon Us that We save the believers -

40:5, Qur'an
[For] the people of Noah denied before them and the factions after them, and every nation intended [a plot] for their messenger to seize him, and they disputed by falsehood [to attempt] to refute the truth thereby.  So I seized them, and how was My penalty.

30:47, Qur'an
[And thus,] We have already sent messengers before you to their peoples, and they came to them with clear evidences; then We took retribution from those who committed crimes, and support of the believers was truly upon Us -

47:11, Qur'an
That is because God is the protector of those who have believed and because the disbelievers [like Rashad Khalifa] have no protector.

[And thus, when Rashad Khalifa was attacked, he had no protector, for he was stabbed to death, for] "God's messenger is supported by God, while the fake messenger is not." -

14:47, Qur'an
So never think that God will fail in His promise to His messengers. Indeed, God is Almighty and Owner of Retribution.

"Mount" Kailash is the 1/3 Remains of the Tower of Babel, which was a Multi-Kilometer Tall Pyramid

"Mount" Kailash is the 1/3 Remains of the Tower of Babel, which was a Multi-Kilometer Tall Pyramid

Why is Pork Forbidden? God Turned Humans into Pigs, and a Young Jesus Turned Children into Pigs