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How do "Satellites" and "the ISS" Orbit a Flat Earth? They Flow upon the Currents that Stretch Out the Height of Heaven

Nikon P1000 Images of the ISS (International Space Station), Tiangong (Chinese Space Station), Falcon 9 Rockets, Starlink, and Satellites

Enoch Saw How the Currents Stretch Out the Height of Heaven

And so the Currents Cause the Sun and the Moon and the Stars to Set, for All are Swimming in an Orbit

[Book of Enoch 18:3], Torah
[Enoch] saw how the currents stretch out the height of heaven, and how they position themselves between heaven and earth

[Book of Enoch 18:4], Torah
And [Enoch] saw the currents which turn the heaven and cause the disc of the sun and all the stars to set.

21:33, Qur'an
[For indeed,] it is He who created the night and the day and the sun and the moon; all are swimming in an orbit.

There are currents throughout the height of heaven, it is not a vacuum, this is how both natural and artificial objects orbit above the earth.

NASA Uses 400+ km/h Stratospheric Circumpolar Winds at 36 km to Orbit Weather Balloons Over Antarctica for Weeks

At 10 hPa (or about 85,000 feet), there are winds that circle Antarctica at speeds over 400 km/h; NASA uses these winds to orbit weather balloons over Antarctica for weeks at a time. But there are currents much higher than these at 200km+ that move far faster, which the ISS and Tiangong and other chariots use to orbit the earth in predictable pathways.

Enoch Saw Chariots in Heaven in the World Above, and One is Bigger than All the Others

And Many Stars will Retreat and Change their Courses - they Flow and Disappear and Never Set

[Book of Enoch 80:6], Torah
Many heads of the stars will go astray in command. And these will change their courses and their activities and will not appear at the times that have been prescribed for them.

81:15 - 16, Qur'an
So I swear by [those] retreating [stars that went astray] - those that flow and disappear -

[Book of Enoch 75:8 - 9], Torah
[That Enoch] saw chariots in heaven, flowing in the world above to those gates in which the [retreating] stars turn, which never set.
And one is bigger than all the others. And it goes round through the whole world.

[Book of Enoch 75:3], Torah
For the signs, and the times, and the years, and the days were shown to [Enoch] by the angel Uriel, whom the Lord of eternal glory has placed in charge of all the lights of heaven. In heaven and in the world, so that they might rule on the face of heaven, and appear over the earth, and be leaders of day and night; the sun, the moon, the stars, and all the serving creatures who revolve in all the chariots of heaven.

There are both stars that went astray and chariots flowing in the heavens above that both never set, but rather, disappear above the horizon, and they all come upon the currents, and they go through the whole world. And the ISS is bigger than all the other chariots.

Real-Time 15 to 20 Second GIF of the ISS Flowing and Disappearing Above the Horizon in the Middle of the Sky at an Altitude of 80°

Images of the ISS Using the Nikon P1000

Click an Image to See a Corresponding YouTube Timelapse

Images of "Tiangong (Chinese Space Station)" Using the Nikon P1000

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Images of the ISS and Tiangong Transiting the Sun Using the Nikon P1000

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Images of an Unknown High-Altitude Rotating Object Filmed by 2 Nikon P1000's 100 Feet Apart and at a 56° Sun Altitude

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Image of the ISS Transiting the Moon During the Day Using the Nikon P1000

Click the Image to See a Corresponding YouTube Timelapse

The ISS and Tiangong Flowing and Disappearing in the Middle of the Sky Using the Nikon P1000

Click an Image to See a Corresponding YouTube Timelapse

Stellarium-Web Show Satellites Disappearing into "the Earth's Shadow" in 1 Second, but it is Gradual Over the Course of Around 15 - 20 Seconds

Stellarium-Web and other websites show the ISS and Tiangong disappearing into "the earth's shadow" in 1 second, going from a bright magnitude of -2 or -3 to a nonvisible magnitude of 17 in only 1 second. But this decrease in magnitude is gradual over the span of around 15 to 20 seconds, which is shown in the GIF near the top, or by clicking the ISS at 82° image above which takes you to a YouTube Short timelapse.

The ISS and Tiangong Reflecting Sunlight Using the Nikon P1000

Click an Image to See a Corresponding YouTube Timelapse

Images of Vandenberg SpaceX Launches as Viewed from Phoenix, Arizona Using the Nikon P1000

Click an Image to See a Corresponding YouTube Timelapse

Images of Starlink being Deployed from the Falcon 9's Second Stage Using the Nikon P1000

Click an Image to See a Corresponding YouTube Timelapse

Images of Satellites, Starlink and Rockets Using the Nikon P1000

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Image of Starlink "Train" Using the Nikon P1000

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Double "Satellites" Using the Nikon P1000

Click an Image to See a Corresponding YouTube Timelapse

Brightness at a Low 20° Altitude for the 9-24-2024 Pair was Comparable to the Brightest Star Sirius (-1.09)

Click an Image to See a Corresponding YouTube Timelapse

The ISS can be -1.41 and Tiangong can be -0.74 at 20° Altitude

So the pair of objects on 9-24-2024 were both brighter than Tiangong and almost as bright as the ISS under similar conditions.

Nothing in nature matches the description of these verses, as shooting stars only go straight and so would not be able to swallow stars from all four sides of the heavens. But the motion of satellites can closely match these verses. To illustrate how, the above are two subsequent passes of the ISS, which have it passing through all four sides of the heavens, but during the day. However, if the timing conditions were just right, it could be visible in the same night passing through all four sides of the heavens. This is because the first pass goes through the north then to the east, and the second pass goes through the west to the south. And although the ISS never comes from the east, others can come from the east instead of the west. And if there were stars in the north, west, south and east on its path, it could appear to swallow them as it passed by them. Since satellites and stars that went astray share similar characteristics, these verses should be describing a star that transgressed.

Deep Sea Dragons of Fire are Described in the Bible

Modern Jews Bear the Star of the god Remphan (the "Star of David"), so they are Not Still God's Chosen People

Modern Jews Bear the Star of the god Remphan (the "Star of David"), so they are Not Still God's Chosen People